2022/12/10 16:22





Aesthetic & very practical

Akama inkstone (called Akama suzuri in Japanese) is produced around the cities of Shimonoseki and Ube in Yamaguchi prefecture. 

Akama inkstone has a long history of over eight hundred years. Akama inkstones were in fact presented by the first shogun(Japanese military dictator), Minamoto no Yoritomo (1147-1199) to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu, an ancient Shinto shrine located in Kamakura, Kanagawa prefecture where they still remain today. 

The production material, akama stone, contains a large amount of quartz and iron, which are the ideal components for inkstick rubbings. Therefore this craft is appreciated for its capability of giving smooth and fine ink rubs with an excellent color and texture. 

Artisans of this craft are known for not only producing the inkstones but also quarrying the stones themselves. Akama stone quarries require underground mining instead of surface mining as it gets dry more easily than other stones. Artisans need experience and skill for not only spotting quality stones, but for handling explosives and mining techniques. Therefore it is said to take at least ten years for an artisan to be able to mine the stone.