2023/09/13 02:23

公益社団法人日本工芸会等が主催する第70回日本伝統工芸展が、本日より9月25日まで東京・日本橋三越本店で開催されます。同展は、歴史上・芸術上特に価値の高い工芸技術の保護育成のため、1954年より開催されている国内最大規模の公募展で、7部門の応募作品から厳正に鑑査・審査された作品が展示されます。rimpamuraでお世話になっている日枝玉峯堂さんも今回出展され、日枝陽一さんの回池硯 、陽一さんのお父様であり山口県指定無形文化財保持者でもある日枝 玉峯さんの広陵硯はいずれも見事に入選しています。おめでとうございます。



The 70th JAPAN TRADITIONAL Kōgei EXHIBITION, organized by The Japan Kōgei Association and others, will be held from today until September 25th at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi. This exhibition, which has been held since 1954, is the largest domestic open-call exhibition aimed at preserving and nurturing historically and artistically valuable craftsmanship techniques. We are pleased to announce that the works by Mr. Yoichi Hieda and Gyokuho Hieda, who is also the holder of the Intangible Cultural Property of Yamaguchi Prefecture, have been recognized. Congratulations!

Akama-suzuri by Mr. Hieda is one of the popular items that quickly sell out when restocked. However, we are planning to have a limited number of Akama suzuri from Gyokuhodo. If you are interested, please register using the "Request Restock Notification" button. Once the items are in stock, you will automatically receive a notification. Additionally, it is possible to place a special order for suzuri in your desired size. If you are interested, please contact us.