2023/06/02 21:33


5月中旬に、新たな表現を模索する芸術家を魅了し続ける奈良筆 伝統工芸士「鈴木一朗」さん、日本古来の筆作りを継承する工房「攀桂堂(はんけいどう)」さんの工房にお邪魔してきました。

We are excited to announce that we are adding "brushes" to our product lineup at rimpamura. In mid-May, we had the privilege of visiting the atelier of Mr. Kazuo Suzuki, a renowned traditional craftsman of Nara brushes, and HANKEIDO, a workshop dedicated to preserving the ancient art of brush making in Japan.
From creating the brush tips to assembling and finishing touches, including signature engravings, different artisans often specialize in specific stages of the process in some regions. However, Mr. Suzuki san and HANKEIDO handle all the steps of brush making individually.
It is said that there are over 100 steps involved in the process of brush making. Witnessing the meticulous craftsmanship and dedication in each step truly embodies the essence of Japanese craftsmanship.