2022/12/10 16:50

1)松煙墨=松の木を燃やして採る煤で作る墨。長い歴史を誇る煤ですが、現在日本で採煙を行っているのは「墨工房 紀州松煙」の堀池氏ただ一人。松煙は貴重で手に入りにくくなってしまいました。「にじみ」の表現の幅が広いので、水墨画で好んで使われます。

Soot, the raw material that determines the quality of sumi ink, can be broadly classified into three types.
1)Pine soot (called ”SHOEN” in Japanese) = soot gathered from burning pine trees. Although pine-soot has a long history, it is precious and hard to find nowadays. Mr. Horiike is the only one who currently produces it in Japan. Thus we rarely find pine-soot Sumi ink made of 100% pine-soot. This type of Sumi ink sticks are favored for its wide range of expression "NIJIMI".
2)Oil-soot (called ”YUEN” in Japanese) = soot made from burned vegetable oils such as colza and sesame oil. They range in price from affordable to expensive. Good for Calligraphy and Suiboku painting.
3)Others = soot of burned heavy oil. Most of the affordable sumi inks are made of this type of this soot, 100% or with a very high percentage of this kind of soot.